Support, services, and helplines

Support, services, and helplines

At Flo, we are passionate about empowering every one of our users to learn more about cycles and their bodies. This means that sometimes we cover topics you might find difficult or triggering. If you’ve read anything you’ve found upsetting, or if you’re going through a difficult time remember that you’re not alone. Here are some support services and resources in your country.

Mental Health

If you’re experiencing problems with your mental health, there are lots of organizations that may be able to offer a listening ear and support. Below are just a few of the ones in your country. Some have helplines and textlines and others offer great information about different conditions that may help you make sense of what you’re feeling.

Suicide and self-harm

If you’re feeling like you want to harm yourself or you’re having suicidal thoughts then it’s crucial that you seek urgent help from one of these helplines, emergency services, or a loved one. That help is available immediately if you need it. You’re not alone. Below are just a few organizations in your country. They may help you make sense of what you’re feeling.

Rape and sexual assault 

If you’re experiencing abuse of any kind you’re not alone. There are support networks out there dedicated to providing information, help, and protection. Here are some in your country.

Abuse including physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, financial, and domestic violence

If you’re experiencing abuse of any kind then reach out for support. There are networks dedicated to providing information, help, and protection. Here are some in your country.

Eating disorders

Telling someone that you have an eating disorder or have negative feelings surrounding food can be really hard, but there are so many experts and organizations out there ready to listen and support you. Whether you’re looking for someone to listen to you, signposting to support services in your area, or one-to-one counseling, here are some options in your country.

Substance abuse

If you’re experiencing difficulties with substance abuse you absolutely have the right to help and healthcare like everyone else. It can be hard talking about addiction, but it’s crucial you get the support you need — and this can come in many forms. Below are some organizations that offer information and resources on substance abuse.

Sex and/or porn addiction

Like any other addiction, if you’re experiencing sex and/or porn addiction there are experts out there that can support you. Whether you’d like more information and resources, or to talk to a counselor, here are some organizations in your country.


Losing a baby, no matter how far along in your pregnancy you are, can be really difficult to understand and talk about. If you have any questions or need support then reach out to your healthcare provider. There are also charities, resources, and helplines in your country dedicated to supporting families who have experienced miscarriages.

Stillborn and infant loss support

Losing a baby can be really difficult to understand and talk about. It’s crucial to speak to your doctor but there are also charities, resources, and helplines in your country dedicated to supporting families who have experienced infant loss.


Everyone deals with loss and grief differently. It may leave you with questions or not being sure where to go. Here are some charities and resources in your country that can support you with the emotional and logistical questions that can follow loss.