Baixe o app para usar o Flo Premium

Siga as etapas abaixo:

  1. Baixe o app Flo no celular
  2. Abra o app e crie uma conta ou faça login
  3. Abra o convite no celular
  4. Toque no link
  5. Aproveite tudo que o Flo Premium oferece!

Baixe o app para usar o Flo Premium

You’re here because you received an email about one of Flo’s features. Unfortunately, this feature isn’t supported on the Flo website.

To enjoy this feature, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Download the Flo app on your phone.
  2. Open the Flo app and sign up or log in.
  3. On your phone, open the email you received from Flo.
  4. Tap the link in the email. 
  5. Enjoy the feature in the Flo app!