Effective as of February 15, 2025
Welcome to Flo Secret Chats, where you can chat about all things female health and get support from millions of other Flo members worldwide.
It’s your space to share personal experiences and connect with others who are going through the same as you. With Secret Chats, you’re not alone 🫶
To keep things enjoyable for everyone, we have a few rules that may differ from those of other platforms.
The basics
Be respectful
Let’s keep our community kind and positive, together. This is a welcoming space for everyone, where many sensitive topics can be shared. We understand there are different approaches to these topics and that people may have different opinions. But don’t forget — there is always a real person on the other side of the screen who may need your support. Let’s respect each other.
Be kind
Discussions and disagreements can happen — and if they do, please remember to keep things on topic, positive, and respectful. We encourage lively, emotional conversations and sharing of personal experiences without judgment or hate. If this isn’t followed, we may delete the whole discussion, even if the original comment is acceptable and respectful.
Stay on topic
Whether you want to ask for advice, share an experience, or even just vent, please keep it relevant; for example, by choosing the most accurate category for a new post or replying to a question with a related answer. This way, other members can find your comment, helping you receive relevant and/or helpful replies.
If you don’t do this, your post may be considered off topic and removed by the moderation team.
1. No political or religious discussion
Secret Chats is not for discussion or debate around politics, religion, or other polarizing social issues. We aim to respect everyone’s freedom of speech, while ensuring that everyone feels welcome here.
Political, religious, and/or polarizing comments will be removed to maintain an inclusive space for everyone.
2. No hate
We don’t tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or other hate speech here at Flo.
Hate has no place in our community. Members are here to get and give support, share personal experiences, and ask for advice, not to be judged or criticized.
Anything that promotes or approves violence against individuals or groups based on race or ethnicity, religious beliefs, disability, age, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity, political views, health status, or appearance will be deleted. Comments revealing someone’s personal information, inciting harassment, threats, personal attacks, or featuring abusive or predatory behavior will also be removed.
3. No overuse of profanities (curse words) or vulgar language
We may delete comments with an excessive amount of swearing or obscenity. Secret Chats should also not be used for “sexting.”
4. Keep things on topic
Please only post or reply to relevant topics. Why not use our search bar? That could help you find previous, relevant conversations.
Or start your own post! Just be sure to choose the most relevant category for it.
Try to avoid posting the same thing in different discussions at once. Our moderation team may delete it if it’s considered to be spamming.
5. This is a promotion-free space
We’ll delete anything that is commercial or spam-like, including but not limited to self-promotion with links to other social media accounts, websites, emails, or phone numbers; repetitive posting of the same content or links; selling or distributing any products; promoting petitions of any kind; or soliciting funds for any reason. We may also delete comments that use excessive spacing.
6. No personal information
Anonymity is one of the essential values that allows Secret Chats to be a judgment-free space. Please don’t share your personal information, such as full name, phone number, email address, or social media usernames.
Please also be careful when posting images. Make sure you don’t include faces, birthmarks, tattoos, or other unique identifiers (such as location, first name, last name, or ID numbers).
We’ll remove images or personal information that could expose anyone’s identity.
7. No promotion of illegal activities
So that people of all backgrounds feel comfortable here, we must respect local and international laws and remove comments that advocate or promote illegal activities, including but not limited to drugs, underage drinking, criminal activity, animal abuse, and terrorism.
8. We protect children's safety
You must be at least 13 years old (16 for EU/UK residents) to use the Flo app and contribute to our community. If we find out that you’re younger than 13,* we will ban you from Flo and delete your account (*or under 16, for EU/UK residents).
9. Don’t lie about your age
Your age defines your Secret Chats experience. For your safety, we offer different content for teenagers and adults. If we find out that you selected the wrong age on purpose, your ability to participate in Secret Chats will be restricted.
10. Always seek professional medical advice
Secret Chats is not a substitute for medical advice. We don’t verify comments for medical accuracy, safety, or effectiveness.
Our moderation team will delete comments asking for or sharing medical advice, including comments about specific treatments and medication dosages.
We encourage the sharing of your personal experiences, but please remember that everyone is unique. Always seek the opinion of a qualified medical professional if you have any concerns or questions regarding your health.
You can help us keep the community an enjoyable space by reporting abusive comments or other inappropriate behavior. If you notice something offensive or illegal, please don’t engage. Instead, use the “Report” button to submit a comment or post for review by our moderation team, who will determine whether there’s a violation of our rules and take appropriate action.
You may also report abusive or inappropriate comments/posts by emailing support@flo.health or contacting us via the “Help” menu in the app. Please include screenshots of the comments/posts you want us to investigate.
Naturally, you might not like or agree with everything you see in the Secret Chats. Please do not use the “Report” button just to express your disapproval.
Reporting illegal content from the EU
If you are an official representative of an EU Member State, Commission, or Board, you can submit a report of illegal content for review to regulatory@flo.health. This is our single point of contact system for official complaints from authorities in the European Union. This email is intended solely for official EU government representatives and is not a valid way to submit a report for anyone else.
For all other users, please report content you believe to be illegal by right-clicking on this link to open in it a new window and fill out a form.
We take user reports seriously and will do our best to understand context and take appropriate actions based on our policies and the results of our investigation.
We reserve the right to delete inappropriate comments without prior notification if in violation of our guidelines. We also reserve the right to issue account suspensions and other enforcement actions. Depending on the nature of the violation, this may include comment removal, warnings, a short-term suspension, or permanent suspension for more severe offenses.
We consider several factors when reviewing reports for violations, including intent and context, potential harm to the community, and legal obligations. We don’t remove comments based on reports alone; our moderation team will assess each situation according to our rules.
A warning is a notification for specific violations or issues. When we delete a comment, we may send a warning associated with a particular rule violation. Repeated violations of the same nature may result in a suspension.
Short-term suspensions
A short-term suspension means the inability to comment in Secret Chats for seven days. You may still use the app and read Secret Chats conversations while suspended. After the suspension is complete, you can comment in Secret Chats again.
We record past violations, and multiple short-term suspensions may lead to a permanent suspension.
Permanent suspension
We will instantly and indefinitely suspend your account for the most serious and/or repeated violations. With a permanent suspension, you may still use the app and read Secret Chats conversations, though your ability to comment will never be restored unless the permanent ban was misapplied. Please see the appeal process below.
Appealing a suspension or comment removal
If you believe you haven’t violated our Terms of Use and/or Secret Chats rules, please contact us at support@flo.health or via the “Help” menu in the app. Appeals sent via any other means will not be considered.
In your appeal, please include the reason you believe you were incorrectly suspended.
After submitting your appeal, you’ll receive an auto-response to the email registered with your Flo account, acknowledging that we’ve received your request.
Once your appeal has been reviewed, we’ll reply by email to notify you of your appeal and account(s) status. This completes the appeal process.
Appeals are reviewed in the order they are received, and we don’t guarantee suspensions will be overturned. Only the owner of the account in question may appeal an account suspension. Abusing or spamming the appeal process may lead to additional enforcement actions.
At Flo, we are committed to protecting your privacy.
Flo’s Secret Chats allow users to engage in discussions while remaining hidden to each other. However, comments and posts are processed and stored to provide the feature.
- Hidden identity: Your identity is not visible to other users in Secret Chats. However, it is visible to Flo to ensure platform integrity and enforce community guidelines.
- Data processing: Messages are stored securely and processed in line with our Privacy Policy.
- Moderation: To maintain a welcoming environment, we moderate to detect and prevent defamatory content.
- Control: You can delete your comments or posts at any time by tapping ‘My comments’ or ‘My posts’.
- Account deletion: If you delete your Flo account, all your comments and posts in Secret Chats will also be deleted.
- Content personalization: the Flo Secret Chats feed is personalized based on groups you’ve liked and what other Flo users liked, so relevant and popular content is displayed based on your interactions and community opinion.
- User preferences: You can hide others’ comments and posts if you’d prefer not to see them, and you can manage your interests to see more conversations on the topics you like most.
- Your rights: You may have rights over your personal data, including access, deletion, or correction. To learn more or submit a request, please visit our Privacy Policy or contact support.
Further information and resources
If you have suggestions or questions about any aspect of participation in Flo Secret Chats, please contact our support team at support@flo.health or via the “Help” menu in the app.
You may also be interested in reading our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy or visiting our Crisis Support Center. By creating an account and/or accessing or using the app, you accept and agree to be bound by the Terms of Use.
European Digital Services Act (DSA)
Due to our commitment to transparency and in compliance with Articles 3, 15, and 16 of the DSA, we are providing a DSA Transparency Report on Secret Chats. This report provides information on Secret Chats operations.