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Ellen Friedrichs, MA
Ellen Friedrichs, MA
Multifaceted health and sexuality educator, New York, US
“As a teacher and mom of three kids, I care deeply about ensuring that young people have access to inclusive sex education. But I also know that the need for medically accurate information about one’s body is important for people of all ages and life stages.”
Areas of expertise
  • Adult and teen sexual and reproductive health 
  • Puberty
  • Sexuality education
  • Contraception
  • Sexually transmitted infections
  • Health education
  • Abortion 
  • Parenting 
  • Healthy relationships
  • Consent for sex and sexual violence
“Working with people from so many different walks of life has helped me develop a real understanding of the many barriers that can get in the way of simply trying to take care of and understand your health.”
— Ellen Friedrichs, MA
  • Middle and high school health education program – Coordinator, since 2006
  • City University of New York – Lecturer on health and human sexuality, 2006–2023
  • Independent sex educator for parents, students, summer camps, religious institutions, and community organizations
  • Our Bodies Ourselves Today – Content expert 
  • Society of Health and Physical Educators – Member of the Inclusive Practices in Health Education Task Force
  • The Washington Post, HuffPost, Healthline, Parents, Motherwell, and Salon – Contributing writer 
  • New York University – Master of Arts in health and human sexuality education, 2001
  • Simon Fraser University – Bachelor of Arts in women’s studies, 1998
  • NYC Department of Health – Certified HIV pre- and post-test counselor
  • National Council for Mental Wellbeing – Certificate in Teen Mental Health First Aid Instructor Training
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