Health Library
Health Library
Henry Potts, PhD
Henry Potts, PhD
Professor of health informatics, University College London, UK
Areas of expertise
  • COVID-19 pandemic
  • Library and information studies
  • Applied and developmental psychology
  • Social and personality psychology
  • Health services and systems
  • Public health
  • Epidemiology
  • Health informatics and information systems
  • Digital health
  • University College London (UCL) – Professor of health informatics 
  • Research on the adoption and utilization of information and communication technologies in health care from a socio-technical perspective and the challenges of evaluation in digital health
  • Work centers around mobile health apps and novel electronic health records (e.g., personal health records)
  • Research on the behavioral and psychological aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Imperial Cancer Research Fund (now Cancer Research UK)
  • UCL’s School of Public Policy
  • Centre for Health Informatics and Multiprofessional Education at UCL – Contractor, senior lecturer, and professor
  • The Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London – PhD in psychology
  • University of Oxford – Master of Science in applied statistics
  • University of Oxford – Bachelor of Arts (honors) in natural sciences
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