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Health Library
Jennifer Huberty, PhD
Jennifer Huberty, PhD
Fractional chief science officer, ex-director of science at Calm, Arizona, US
Areas of expertise
  • Digital health
  • Medical education
  • Clinical research
  • Behavioral research scientist with 20+ years of experience
  • Fit Minded LLC – Founder
  • Digital health companies – Fractional chief science officer and advisory board member for scientific thought leadership
  • Calm – Former head of science for five years
  • Flo Health – Consulted as vice president of science, 2021
  • Headstream and Techstars – Mentor assisting start-ups with integrating and leveraging science 
  • Published approximately 160 scientific papers
  • Mays Cancer Center/MD Anderson – Associate professor
  • Arizona State University – Associate professor and research faculty
  • University of Arizona’s College of Medicine, Department of obstetrics and gynecology – Associate professor and research scholar 
  • Mayo Clinic College of Medicine – Adjunct professor of medicine
  • University of Utah – PhD in exercise physiology
  • James Madison University – Master of Science in exercise physiology
Appearances and publications in other media
05 Jan 2021
Mindful Vibin’
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