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Dr. Riaz Agha
Dr. Riaz Agha
Mr. Riaz Agha, FRCS Plast.
BSc(Hons), MBBS, MSc (Oxon), DPhil (Oxon), MRCSEng, FRSA, FHEA, FRSPH

Dr. Agha is a senior Plastic Surgery trainee in London and an NHS Clinical Entrepreneur. In 2018, he completed a doctorate at Balliol College, the University of Oxford where he was awarded a Clarendon Scholarship (given to the top 1% of 20,000 Oxford University applicants). 

The short title of his thesis was Evidence-based Plastic Surgery, and he was supervised by Prof. Peter McCulloch (University of Oxford) and Prof. Dennis Orgill (Harvard University and Brigham and Women's Hospital). 

In 2010, he was awarded a Scholarship from the National Institute of Clinical and Health Excellence for his project on national surgical surveillance. He subsequently worked with the CQC to improve coverage and focus of their indicators for acute hospital services.
Dr. Agha graduated from Guy's, King's and St. Thomas' Medical School in London with distinctions and a 1st in his intercalated BSc in Anatomy. Dr. Agha has been awarded 50 academic prizes, published 150 scientific papers and given 150 presentations at national/international level.
Dr. Agha founded the International Journal of Surgery (IJS), which had an impact factor of 3.158 in 2018. He is also a council member for the Section of Plastic Surgery at the Royal Society of Medicine with board-level appointments to; the Elsevier Editorial System Advisory Board, Map of Medicine Fellows Board and the Association of Surgeons in Training. He sits on the Web Committee for the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) and has built two websites for NATO. Dr. Agha is formerly a Council Member for the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and an Ambassador for Enterprise UK.  
Dr. Agha has been a Consultant on healthcare and technology to a member of the Joint Ventures Board of the Bank of Scotland, former Vice-Chairman of the Governing Council of University College London and the former Chairman of the Further Education Council. He was cited as an "inspirational entrepreneur" by The Rt. Hon. John Hutton MP, Former Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform at his keynote speech during Enterprise week 2007. In 2014 he was awarded Freedom of the City of London.


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