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Sarah Garfinkel, PhD
Sarah Garfinkel, PhD
Professor of cognitive neuroscience, University College London, UK
“I investigate how individual differences in interoception, or the perception of internal bodily sensations, can influence emotion and memory.”
Areas of expertise
  • Cognitive neuroscience 
  • Body–brain interactions, particularly the heart
  • Anxiety
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Autism
  • Schizophrenia
  • Functional imaging and cardiovascular monitoring/manipulation
  • Professor specializing in the body–brain interactions underlying emotion and cognition
  • University of Michigan – Training in psychiatry and neuroimaging
  • Brighton and Sussex Medical School Huge Critchley – Training in automatic affective neuroscience
  • University of Sussex – PhD in experimental psychology, training in memory and pharmacology
Awards and achievements
  • Recognized as a “Rising Star” scientist across all science, technology, engineering, and math disciplines by Nature, 2018
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