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Sue Khan
Sue Khan
Sue Khan, VP of Privacy, Flo Health Inc.

Sue Khan is Vice President of Privacy and Data Protection Officer at Flo Health. She is passionate about Flo's mission of building a better future for female health and believes it is critical to provide trusted and accessible health technology services to all. She joins Flo after spending four years at the digital-first health provider, Babylon Health where as the Global Vice President of Privacy, she built and led the global privacy function to ensure compliance with legal requirements in the context of digital health technologies in the US, UK, Canada, Rwanda, and the APAC region. She has 17 years of experience as a lawyer, specializing in privacy and data protection, having also led the privacy initiatives for the mobile network O2, and the global entertainment company, Hasbro. She holds her Bachelor of Laws (Honors) from Queen Mary University of London, the CIPP(E) certification and IAPP (International Association of Privacy Professionals) membership. Khan is based in London, where she enjoys family life with two daughters.

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