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March 16, 2022

Flo Health Inc. company update, March 2022

Flo’s purpose and product

Flo's purpose is to build a better future for female health by helping women harness the power of their body signals.

Over 220 million people have downloaded the Flo app, and 46 million people use it on a monthly basis. With over 100+ medical experts, Flo supports women during their entire reproductive lives with cycle and ovulation tracking, personalized health insights, expert tips, and a private community to share their questions and concerns. Flo prioritizes safety and keeps a sharp focus on being the most trusted digital source for​ ​women’s health information. 

Flo is the #1 OB-GYN-recommended app for period and cycle tracking,* and our app has helped over 28 million people get pregnant. 1 in 6 women in the US use Flo every month.

Flo’s team and company

Flo is an international family — we have over 400 talented staff working across the EU and the US, with our 3 largest employee hubs in London, Amsterdam and Vilnius.

Our executive team is based in London (9) and Kansas (1).

Flo Health Inc. is incorporated in Delaware, USA, and our global headquarters are in London, United Kingdom. Flo Health does not have legal entities in Belarus or Russia.

Regarding recent events

As a company, Flo fully supports Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. For more information on the humanitarian aid Flo has provided in Ukraine, please read our recent blog post.

  • We have made Flo Premium free for everyone in Ukraine, now and for the next 3 years. So far, over 1 million Ukrainian users have benefitted from Flo Premium since the crisis began.
  • We have begun the task of translating our huge library of content and health products into Ukrainian.
  • We have donated $100,000 to the Ukrainian Red Cross to support people whose lives are being torn apart by this crisis.
  • We have provided extensive support to our employees and their families who wish to relocate.

Flo does not have operations or any employees in Russia. As of March 2022, we have stopped all our operations in Belarus. 

Any employees still in the region no longer have access to our operations or systems.

Regarding international sanctions

Flo Health Inc. maintains a comprehensive sanctions compliance program, including, but not limited to, all international sanctions in Russia, Crimea, and the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine:

  • We routinely screen all our vendors and third-party contractors for compliance with sanctions laws. We use special tools for that, namely ComplyAdvantage.
  • We do not allow users from restricted territories to access our services.
  • We do not maintain accounts in the sanctioned banks.
  • We proactively closed our operations in Russia and Belarus and no longer have any corporate presence there.
  • We ensure that all our internal tools and systems are not accessible from within Russia, Belarus, and other restricted territories. 

As a team, we are proud of the work we have done to help millions of women stay well and live better worldwide. We are working every day to both improve our product, and to extend that help to as many people as we can.

*Based on a survey of 225 US OB-GYNs who recommend apps for period and cycle tracking, DRG, 2021