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August 27, 2018

Ready for Pregnancy? Flo Is Here to Help!

About 200,000 women get pregnant with Flo each month. Ready to be among them? We are here to help! Today, we’ll explore how to best use Flo if you plan to have a baby.

Getting pregnant

If you plan to get pregnant, you probably already know that one of Flo’s main features is predicting your fertile window and ovulation date. Flo gives ovulation predictions according to the information (periods, events and symptoms) that you log in the app. However, you can directly influence the ovulation predictions by logging your basal body temperature and ovulation test results (Press the “+” button > More Parameters > Enable Basal Temperature and Test Results and press Save). It will help the app make predictions more accurate and you will know for sure when the best time for conception is.


You’ve just seen two lines on your home pregnancy test, you are in seventh heaven and will not see your periods for the next nine months. How can Flo be of use now? There is a Pregnancy Mode that caters for the needs of future moms. The mode allows you to get educational insights and follow the changes in your body. In addition, Flo will introduce you to the crucial things of this stage of your life (gestational age, due date etc.) and allow to log THE day when your baby is born. To turn Pregnancy Mode on, please navigate to Menu > Pregnancy Mode.

Gestational age / Due date calculator

Once you’ve activated the Pregnancy Mode, you’ll see how far along you are at the moment. Flo calculates the week of pregnancy from the first day of your last logged period (the first day is the beginning of Week 1). After consulting your doctor and having ultrasound done you can edit your Week of pregnancy in Pregnancy Mode.

If doctors say that you’re further along than Flo’s maximum week, we advise you to check that the last period dates are correct. To do that, you’ll need to turn off Pregnancy mode via option “Pregnancy was logged incorrectly” (don’t worry, you’ll not lose your logs). Then, open your monthly calendar > Edit period dates > Uncheck the incorrect data > Save. After you turn Pregnancy Mode on again, the maximum week will change.

Pregnancy mode

If Pregnancy mode is on and you have a look at your monthly calendar, you’ll see that now your calendar is sunny – all days are yellow. That’s how days of your pregnancy are marked.

But what if you need to tell you doctor the dates of your last period? As you already know, gestational age is calculated from the first day of your last period. So the first yellow day corresponds to the start of your last period. If you’ve changed your week of pregnancy, then your last period will be marked with red colour as usual.

Your baby is born!

You’re enjoying the sunny days of your pregnancy, time flies, and your due date is coming. Is it possible to log the day when you baby is born? Yes, it is. The Pregnancy mode will stay active for 43 weeks, so even if you’re busy right after the delivery, you’ll be able to log it later. To do this please navigate to the day your baby was actually born > Settings > Turn off Pregnancy mode > A baby is born! > Log. After that the app will save the data about your pregnancy and ovulation, and period predictions will not appear until you log your next period.

In case your pregnancy has ended unexpectedly, please choose the day when it happened > Settings > Turn off Pregnancy mode > I’m not pregnant anymore > Disable.

Postpartum mode

Taking care of our users and their babies is one of the goals for future development of the app. We’re planning to add postpartum mode that will provide essential information about this new period of women’s life and help you enjoy it to the fullest.