For every pregnancy there is, one of the most exciting milestones is deciding what you’re going to name your future child. In cases where the pregnancy will bear twins, that means you get twice as much fun choosing twin names.
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Twin Baby Names for 2019, 2020, 2021: Amazing Names for Twins

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Naming twins is a bit more complicated than naming a single child. For starters, you have to think of two names instead of one; two names that you want your offspring to be called for the rest of their lives. Since a name is the very first piece of information that you learn from someone, it needs to be well thought out.
If you’re thinking of monikers for your soon-to-arrive twins, this article contains some of the most popular names for twins that you can consider and draw inspiration from. And since most parents prefer names with a valuable meaning, we will also give you a bit of background on the names themselves.

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Baby names for twin girls and twin boys
Twin names for girls, or names for girls in general, are quite exciting to browse through. There are just so many options and variations of names! Here are a few of the best examples for twin baby girl names that may be just right for your daughters.
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Biblical twin girl names
It’s no secret that the Bible has been the inspiration for many spiritual names, and it still is today. So, here is a list for parents who want to give their girls beautiful names from the Holy Book, derived from the names of the people on the pages.
- Abigail and Adriel — ‘A father’s joy’ and ‘flock of God’
- Diana and Elisha — ‘Luminous’ and ‘the Salvation of God’
- Faith and Hope — a popular combination of Biblical girl names, meaning ‘loyalty’ and ‘expectations’ in Latin and Old English, respectively
- Ava/Eva and Grace — ‘Living’ and ‘blessing’
- Victoria and Rebecca — a pair of classic names meaning ‘a song’ and ‘beautifully ensnaring/soil’
- Olive and Lillian — ‘beauty/dignity’ and ‘purity/beauty’
- Adah and Dinah — unusual names meaning ‘an assembly’ and ‘judgement’
- Grace and Esther — ‘Blessing’ and ‘secret/hidden’
- Jemimah and Keturah — ‘As beautiful as the day’ and ‘fragrance’
- Lois and Lydia — ‘Better’ and ‘standing pool’
Mythological twin girl names
Are you a Greek or Roman mythology buff with a penchant for the ancient gods’ and goddesses’ names? Here’s a list of twin girl names inspired by ancient mythology:
Althea and Aphrodite — ‘Wholesome/to heal’ and the name of the goddess of love
Artemis and Athena — the names of two powerful women in Ancient Greek mythology; the goddess of the hunt and the goddess of wisdom, warfare, and courage
Camilla and Medea — warrior maiden in ancient Rome, and the woman who helped Jason and the Argonauts
Phoebe and Penelope — derived from Phoebus, a Greek Titan, and the wife of Odysseus
Rhiannon and Lorelei — a pair of quite unusual names, one from the Welsh horse goddess and one from German folklore
Gwenn and Juno — the Celtic goddess of motherhood and the Roman counterpart of Hera
Sheila and Theia — Greek goddess of the moon and a Greek Titan
Gaia and Cassandra — goddess of the Earth and the name of the daughter of Troy’s king and queen
Hera and Iris — the queen of the heavens and the messenger of the gods
Rhea and Selene — the mother of the gods and the Greek goddess of the moon

Matching baby girl names
For most parents of twins, matching names just make the most sense. Can’t make up your mind? Here is a list of matching monikers to get your creativity going:
- Addison and Abigail
- Ashley and Angela
- Alyssa and Annalise
- Cleo and Claire
- Clarisse and Celeste
- Elizabeth and Emily
- Ella and Emma
- Erin and Ellen
- Grace and Georgia
- Hannah and Hazel
- Hannah and Hayley
- Honey and Holly
- Iris and Isabelle
- Julia and Jade
- Kelsey and Karissa
- Kayla and Kylie
- Luna and Lucille
- Makayla and Makenzie
- Mia and Maya
- Michelle and Michonne
- Naomi and Nicole
- Rachel and Ria
- Suzanne and Suzette
- Tanya and Tina
Don’t want two names that start with the same letter? These names match with each other but start with two different letters:
- Olivia and Sophia
- Gabriella and Isabella
- Heaven and Nevaeh
- Arianna and Brianna
- Elizabeth and Isabella
- Paige and Natalie
- London and Paris
- Elizabeth and Maria
- Erin and Danielle
- Ella and Lily
- Rose and Daisy
Biblical twin boy names
Many of the baby boy names that we know today are derived from the Bible. Looking for a Biblical name for your little angels? This list may help you decide:
Daniel and Ezekiel — ‘God is my judge’ and ‘the strength of God’
Jason and Peter — A pair of two classic names having Biblical origins, meaning ‘the one who cures’ and ‘a rock’
Abram and Asher — ‘Exalted Father’ and ‘happiness’
Mark and Jesse — ‘Polite’ and ‘gift or oblation’
Nathan and Noah — ‘Rewarded’ and ‘consolation’
Lemuel and Aquila — Quite unusual boy names, meaning ‘God is with them or him’ and ‘an eagle’
Abner and Saul — Exotic-sounding Biblical names meaning ‘the Father of Light’ and ‘the one who is in demand’
Andrew and Micah — ‘A strong man’ and ‘humble’
Ethan and Emmanuel — ‘Strong’ and ‘God is with us’
Michael and Victor — еwo classic, straightforward names meaning ‘humble’ and ‘victory’

Mythological twin boy names
Just like twin girl names, twin names for boys can also be derived from ancient myths and folklore.
Zeus and Poseidon — unusual names for baby boys, but sound great, nonetheless; meaning the god of thunder and sky and the god of the ocean
Hector and Achilles — two of the most powerful warriors
Jason and Damon — the leader of the Argonauts and the god of trust and friendship
Arthur and Dylan — names from an Old English epic character and a Celtic sea creature
Paris and Pollux — a Trojan prince and a hero from Greek myths
Tom and Robin — names from English folklore
Thor and Loki — If you’re a Marvel fan, you can name your twin boys after the sons of Odin in Norse mythology
Apollo and Adonis — the god of medicine and healing and the beloved of goddess Aphrodite
Tristan and Priam — names of a knight and a Trojan king
Arthur and Merlin — two popular names from Arthurian legend, one a king and one a wizard
Matching baby names
Two baby boys account for two beautiful names! With this list, we hope to give you ideas on matching twin names for boys.
- Aaron and Adrian
- Alex and Allen
- Aaron and Aidan
- Brett and Brendon
- Brian and Brandon
- Chase and Caleb
- Daniel and David
- Ethan and Elliot
- Greg and George
- Isaac and Ian
- Jacob and Joshua
- James and John
- Jack and Jordan
- Lance and Landon
- Michael and Matthew
- Nathan and Nicholas
- Oscar and Oliver
- Pax and Payton
- Rick and Ryan
- Tristan and Timothy
- William and Wyatt
- Zachary and Zayn
If you want slightly different names for twin boys, here are a few pairs that don’t start with the same letter:
- Evan and Owen
- Alexander and Nicholas
- Andrew and Matthew
- Caleb and Joshua
- Henry and William
- Matthew and Nathan
- Christian and Edward
- Matteo and Valentino
- Fred and George
- Austin and Brooklyn
- Chance and Hunter
- Michael and Angelo
- Joseph and Gabriel
- Samuel and Lucas
- Chris and Ethan
- Garrett and Noah
Having twins with a boy and a girl is sometimes more fun — you get one baby of each sex! When it comes to naming a pair of boy and girl twins, most parents usually want the names to be a complement of each other. With this list of baby names for twins, boy and girl, you will surely get to decide on a pair of names in no time.
Elise and Elijah — two beautiful sounding names meaning ‘consecrated to God’ and ‘God is Lord’
Dylan and Delaney — ‘Son of the wave’ and ‘the Elder tree grove’
Lily and Lyle — two alliterating names meaning ‘flower’ and ‘island’
Jade and Jayden — these two names mean stone of the side, one is just the female version of the other and vice versa
Oliver and Olivia — two male and female names both meaning olive tree
Clover and Cliff — these names sound unusual, but they make an adorable pair of names for boy and girl twins; meaning ‘flower’ and shortened form of Clifton/Clifford
Emmanuel and Emma — ‘God is with us’ and the female version of Emmanuel
Nathan and Natalie — ‘He has given’ and ‘born on Christmas’
Asher and Alisa — a modern-sounding Biblical name and a Hebrew name meaning ‘great happiness’
Felix and Felicity — these names are not common and that’s what makes them great for your twins; meaning ‘happy’ and ‘happiness and good fortune’
Apollo and Artemis — the names of twins in Greek mythology; the god of healing and the goddess of the hunt
Madison and Mason — ‘Mighty battle’ and Old English surname
Dakota and Dallas — two sophisticated-sounding names meaning ‘friend and ally’ and ‘skilled’
Ari and Ira — simple and short names that mean ‘eagle’ and ‘lion’
London and Paris — while these two names are unisex, you can name your boy Paris after the prince in Greek Mythology and name your daughter London.
Twin boys and girls are not that hard to tell apart. So, we guess it’s safe to give them names for twin boy and girl that rhyme. Rhyming names are not only adorable, but they also sound pleasing in combination with each other. It may be a controversial choice to give your twins rhyming names due to the current trend of individualization, but hey, it was a popular choice back in the day and people still do it now.
- Tate and Kate
- Dylan and Jillian
- Finn and Quinn
- Wilson and Allison
- Riley and Kylie
- Barry and Sherry
- Wade and Adelaide
- Eugene and Irene
- Tyson and Alison
- Ron and Dawn
- Theodore and Eleanor
- Jonathan and Megan
- Adonis and Beatrice
- Niles and Miles
- Harley and Carley
- Tristan and Kristen
- Rudy and Trudy
- Avery and Hilary
- Reese and Louise
- Darrel and Cheryl
Names are the first thing that people know about us. Needless to say, they really do make a difference, and are part of the first impression that people have about us. Choosing a pair of names for your twins doesn’t have to be a long, dragging process, but giving your twins’ future names enough thought is necessary in order to make sure they will carry it with pride in the future.
History of updates
Current version (16 November 2021)
Published (16 November 2018)
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