Today, we're answering the most pressing questions about hygiene during periods: washing your genitals, using pads, managing odors, and many more!
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14 Important Questions about Hygiene During Your Period

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How often should you wash your genital area during periods?
Blood can offer a favorable environment for bacteria to thrive, so health care providers recommend rinsing the genital area at least twice a day — morning and evening — while on your period. It’s also acceptable to do this more often if you feel uncomfortable.

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What do gynecologists recommend using for hygiene during periods?
The vagina is a self-cleaning organ. It’s important to preserve its natural flora, and using regular soap or even specific cosmetic products for intimate hygiene can disrupt them. Health care providers recommend washing the genital area with warm water without soap.
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In what direction should you wash your genital area?
Wash the genitals from front to back. Start by washing your labia and then proceed to the perineum and anus. This will reduce the likelihood of pathogenic microorganisms and traces of fecal matter entering the vaginal area.
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Should the inside of the vagina be washed?
The human reproductive system is cleverly organized and doesn’t require additional cleaning on the inside. For that reason, health care professionals strongly advise against using any hygiene procedures aimed at washing away the healthy vaginal flora (such as douching).
Should you use sanitary products that are more absorbent and change them less frequently?
Always choose sanitary products with an absorbency level that’s appropriate for your menstrual flow. Changing these products less frequently than once in four to eight hours (four hours for pads and four to eight hours for tampons) may lead to bacterial growth and infections.
Can you bathe while on your period?
Yes, people who are menstruating can safely take baths. Normally, running water is perfectly fine. But if you have any reproductive health problems, it’s a good idea to consult a health care provider before soaking in the tub. If you do choose to take a bath while on your period, follow these steps for the safest experience:
- Ensure the bathtub is clean, as your immune system is more susceptible to infection during menstruation.
- Use warm water — not hot. Hot water may provoke heavier bleeding.
- Wash your genitals before sitting in the tub (for example, rinse off under the shower).
Can you prevent odors using a feminine hygiene deodorant?
Feminine hygiene deodorants and sprays can trigger vaginitis (its symptoms include itching, redness, and abnormally heavy vaginal discharge).
Any contact between the vulva and the chemicals contained in any sanitary products, including feminine hygiene deodorants, should be minimized. Instead, you can use wet wipes or rinse your genital area with water.

What should intimate wet wipes contain?
You can replace toilet paper with wet wipes, which are softer and more delicate. Choose products that are free from alcohol and fragrance and have a balanced pH level, as these ingredients can irritate your skin and mucous membranes.
What is the right pH level for intimate hygiene products?
The vagina’s pH is acidic due to the beneficial lactobacilli inhabiting it. They protect against infections and other pathogens.
Many experts recommend washing the genital area with running warm water without any soap, and some suggest using intimate hygiene products with an acidic pH of 3.8 to 4.5 (which is also a healthy vaginal pH).
If period blood gets on your bed linen or clothes, can you remove the stain with hot water?
Hot water doesn’t work well for bloodstains. Instead, wash a fresh stain with cold water using regular (cream-free) soap, and it should fade.
Do you have to wash your hands after changing a sanitary product?
Some sanitary products come in contact with the anal area. As a result, they can get contaminated by intestinal bacteria.
To avoid transmitting any bacteria on the hygiene product to the body via your hands, wash your hands after changing a menstrual product.
If you use a pad for the night and sleep for about eight hours, should you get up every four hours to change it?
When you’re active during the day, your menstrual flow is normally heavier, so the pad absorbs more blood, sweat, and sebum. This creates a breeding ground for bacteria, which is why you shouldn’t wear one pad for more than four hours.
When you are asleep, your bodily functions slow down, and the bleeding intensity decreases, so you can safely wear a pad overnight. However, don’t use tampons for more than eight hours. They’re associated with a risk of toxic shock syndrome, a severe infection.

When disposing of a used sanitary product, should you wrap it first?
Roll up a used pad, enclose it in the wrapper of the new one or in toilet paper, and then throw it away. (For tampons, just wrapping them in toilet paper is enough.) This will minimize any smell and prevent the spread of bacteria, which can build up over time.
Can you flush sanitary products down the toilet?
Flushing even the smallest hygiene product can easily clog a pipe or sewer. If you’re in a bathroom with no trash bin, you can take the used pad (tampon) with you and throw it away somewhere else.
History of updates
Current version (02 March 2021)
Published (30 October 2018)
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