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January 08, 2019

Flo Has Been Selected as a CES 2019 Innovation Awards Honoree

Flo has been selected as a CES 2019 Innovation Awards Honoree in the Software and Mobile Apps category. All Honorees were officially announced on November 8, 2018, at CES Unveiled New York media conference. Innovation Awards Showcase will take place in Las Vegas, Nevada, on January 8-11, 2019 as part of International CES 2019.

“We are absolutely happy and honored to receive such recognition. CES is one of the brightest professional events that brings together the best minds and ideas of technology industry”, - shares Dmitry Gurski, CEO and co-founder of Flo, - We feel inspired and thrilled that our innovative approach is appreciated by our 70 million users and professionals alike”.

CES Innovation Award is held along with CES (Consumer Electronics Show), an international annual trade show organized by Consumer Technology Association. The event boasts product presentations of the leading companies in technology and consumer electronics. CES has been held since 1967, and introduced legendary inventions, like VCR or CD.

Flo is an innovative tool of preventive medicine within the framework of the Health Tech Industry. The company is the first to craft a unique communication technology in order to approach and help each and every user individually.

This innovation is called User Journey – a new model of personalization has been crafted and introduced into the app. Virtual Assistant is one of the key instruments of User Journey; it turns Flo into a caring and knowledgeable friend for every user – interaction becomes more complex and human-like. 

Flo intensively uses Data Science and AI to deliver the most personalized content and services available.

In the nearest future, the product will go beyond a mobile app. Social and content features will exist in web form; bots will be used to communicate with users directly in messengers; real-life programs like social, print publications, and public health initiatives will become a part of the business.