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Science News and Publications

How we improve female health through research: An interview with Flo’s director of science

When do perimenopause symptoms start?

Female sexual well-being: Flo’s latest research

Behind the Scenes: Meet the Science Team Making Flo a Trusted Health App

Health literacy: Everything you need to know

How are your cycle and your sex drive linked?

How do health and wellness apps test their product?

How Flo improves health knowledge and PMS symptom burden

New Flo research shows how menstrual cycles and symptoms change with age

New study finds Flo’s Symptom Checkers to be highly accurate

Nature Portfolio Journal Publishes Groundbreaking Flo Study

Back to Work: How to Provide the Postpartum Support Your Employees Need

A Scientist’s Guide to Making The Leap From Academia to Healthtech

6 out of 10 Lithuanian Women Are Satisfied With Their Health: How Else Can We Improve This Indicator?

Menstrual Cycle Length and Patterns: Study Results

Research Project on Women’s Reproductive Health

Flo and Northwestern University PCOS Study: First Results Revealed

Working as a Scientific Researcher in Academia vs. Industry

What Scientific Evaluation of an App Is and Why Do You Need It For Your Healthtech Product