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Lou’s Story

Before the lockdown happened, I was working a lot. I owned a restaurant with my boyfriend, and I had to work long hours, managing lots of tasks at the same time, and giving all of myself to make sure our customers were happy.

When the pandemic arrived, we had to shut our doors. I was completely exhausted, and my body was sending me signals that something was wrong. 

This whole shutdown made me realize that I was working so hard all the time, but I completely forgot about what I really needed.

I used to have heavy periods, but with the quarantine and all the related stress that I was going through, they got worse. I started losing blood even when I wasn't on my period. Sometimes just standing up for too long would make me lose consciousness. It was also difficult to have "normal" intercourse with my boyfriend because I considered my genitals a no-go zone because of the heavy bleeding. I went to see my gynecologist to find out what was happening, but didn’t receive a clear answer.

Over the following months, I saw many other doctors until I found one who was able to help. I realized that surgery was the only solution to make my life better, so I decided to go for it. 

Knowing what was wrong with my body was really liberating. Since having surgery, I feel so much better! I'm proud of myself because I didn't give up. And I feel lucky to have been supported by my family and friends. I reconnected with my body and my feminine side, and it is really empowering.

This whole shutdown made me realize that I was working so hard all the time, but I completely forgot about what I really needed. It also made me think through my professional path. I chose to go back to school to study interior design, which I was always passionate about. I believe this job will still be intense, but it will allow me to take care of myself more.

The first thing I will do when we’re all back to normal — I will have a nice meal with everyone who supported me throughout this process, give thanks to them, and then I will start my new life.