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    10-Month-Old’s Feeding Schedule: What to Feed a 10-Month-Old Baby

    A 10-month-old's diet should consist of solid foods supplemented by breast milk or formula. By the time your baby is 10 months old, they are probably eager to eat what you're eating. At this age, they still need the nutritional value in formula or breast milk.

    5 min read
    Reviewed by Marina Savchenko, MD, Pediatric Neurologist, Medical Consultant at Flo
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    What can babies eat at 10 months?

    Food for 10-month-old babies can consist of fruits, vegetables, fortified cereal, unsweetened yogurts, cheese, and meats. By 10 months old, most babies have at least four teeth at the front of their mouth. They can bite, but it is still difficult to properly chew. Because of this, you'll need to make sure their food is soft enough for them to mash up with their front teeth and gums.

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    How much should a 10-month-old baby eat?

    It's helpful to think of food for 10-month-olds as you would for a healthy adult. This means that they should be encouraged to eat food from all of the different food groups, with a healthy balance of fruit and vegetables. Remember, your baby might like foods that you don't, so encourage them to try new things!

    Offer a variety of foods that your baby can easily pick up, and encourage them to self-feed. This can be quite messy, but offering finger food helps your baby develop their hand-eye coordination and establish a sense of accomplishment through independence.

    A feeding schedule for a 10-month-old should consist of three main meals per day with two healthy snacks and at least 3–4 nursing sessions or bottle feedings. 

    The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that whole cow's milk and low-iron formulas not be used during the first year of life.

    A 10-month-old child needs around 920 kcal for boys and around 865 kcal for girls. This will give them the nutrients intake that they need for the day as well. It is best to limit the amount of water or juice that your 10-month-old baby drinks at this point to no more than 6–8 ounces per day.

    How much formula for 10-month-olds is enough?

    A good feeding schedule for a 10-month-old should include at least 3–4 nursing sessions or bottles per day. A 10-month-old baby should be drinking at least 24–32 ounces of breast milk or formula every 24 hours. If you divide this between four nursing sessions, it is about 6–8 ounces each time. Even if your baby is eating more solid foods, keep offering them the appropriate amount of breast milk or formula.

    Your child may also become a picky eater at this age. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that it can sometimes take several introductions to the same food before your baby decides to eat it. They also say that your baby is more likely to want to try a food if they see you eating it. So, if you are eating a salad, you can cook some of the same ingredients to feed to your baby.

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    Examples of foods for 10-month-old babies

    Here is a list of some foods for your 10-month-old baby, along with other foods that should be avoided until they're older.

    Great foods for 10-month-olds:

    • Soft, ripe fruits such as bananas, pears, peaches, and berries that have been cut into small pieces
    • Iron-fortified cereals served either dry or mixed with formula or breast milk
    • Cooked vegetables including carrots, peas, green beans, spinach (and other leafy greens), squash, and potatoes (white and sweet) that have been mashed or cut into small pieces
    • Whole cooked beans
    • Well-cooked meat, poultry, and fish that is minced
    • Dairy products
    • Egg yolks
    • Starchy foods (breads and pasta)

    Foods to avoid

    • Whole pieces of fruit
    • Large pieces of vegetables
    • Hard-to-chew or large pieces of meat
    • Popcorn, nuts, and seeds
    • Olives
    • Honey
    • Hard candy, jelly beans, or gumdrops
    • Sweets, desserts, and sweetened juices or drinks
    • Egg whites
    • Shellfish

    By offering your 10-month-old baby food that is nutritious, you are starting them out on the right path to a healthy diet and lifestyle.

    10-month-old babies eating menu

    Your 10-month-old baby will need three meals, two healthy snacks, and breast milk or formula at least 3–4 times per day to provide the nutrition they need to grow. Here is a sample 10-month-old menu for a single day.


    • 2 servings of iron-fortified cereal (2–4 tablespoons dry)
    • 1 serving of fruit or vegetables (3–4 tablespoons)
    • 6–8 ounces of  formula or breast milk

    Morning snack

    • 1 serving of grain (2 crackers, ½ slice bread)
    • 1 serving of dairy (1/2 cup of yogurt, 1 ounce cheese)


    • 1 serving of protein (1–2 tablespoons minced chicken)
    • 1 serving of vegetables (3–4 tablespoons)
    • 1 serving of fruit juice (3–4 ounces)

    Nap time

    • 6–8 ounces of formula or breast milk

    Afternoon snack

    • 1 serving of fruit (3–4 tablespoons)


    • 1 serving of protein (1–2 ounces of tofu)
    • 1 serving of grain (1/2 cup cooked pasta)
    • 1 serving of fruit or vegetables (3–4 tablespoons)
    • 6–8 ounces of formula or breast milk


    • 6–8 ounces of formula or breast milk

    This is just a sample menu for a 10-month-old. You can vary the menu depending on your own baby's needs. Make sure your baby gets 2–3 servings of fruit, vegetables, protein, and whole grains daily.

    These daily servings, combined with the nutrients in 24–32 ounces of formula or breast milk, will give your baby the nutrition they need to grow into a healthy and happy toddler. You are also establishing healthy eating habits from an early age, which can be carried on throughout their childhood and into adulthood.


    Infant Food And Feeding". AAP.Org, 2020, Maternal Diet during Early Childhood, but Not Pregnancy, Predicts Diet Quality and Fruit and Vegetable Acceptance in Offspring.” Wiley Online Library, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 8 Oct. 2014, Savoring Sweet: Sugars in Infant and Toddler Feeding.” Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, Karger Publishers, 14 Sept. 2017, Feeding Baby In The First Year". Cleveland Clinic, 2020,

    History of updates

    Current version (02 December 2020)

    Reviewed by Marina Savchenko, MD, Pediatric Neurologist, Medical Consultant at Flo

    Published (21 May 2019)

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