Hand expressing breast milk: what is it?
Hand expressing is using your hands to compress your breast rhythmically to express milk into a sterile container. Hand expressing milk is a great alternative to using an electric or manual breast pump. It helps encourage the flow of milk from a specific part of your breast. This technique can be particularly useful if there is a blockage in any of your milk ducts.
How to hand express breast milk: Marmet technique
To express milk using the Marmet technique, first wash your hands and grab a sterile bowl. Then follow these steps:
1. Place your thumb above your nipple and your first two fingers underneath it, making a letter C.
There should be about 1 to 1.5 inches between your thumb and fingers. Your fingers will be above the reservoirs of milk. Don't cup your breast while expressing milk.
2. Push straight into your chest wall.
Don't spread your fingers apart. If your breasts are large, first lift them up and then push your breast into your chest wall.
3. Roll your thumb and fingers forwards.
This compresses and empties the milk reservoirs without injuring the sensitive tissue of your breast. Repeat this movement rhythmically to drain the reservoirs completely. If no milk drops appear, move your thumb and fingers slightly and repeat the process. Avoid placing them on the areola.
When the milk flow slows down, rotate your fingers and thumb to express milk from other reservoirs. When the milk flow slows down on one breast, repeat the process on your other breast.