Does teething cause fever?
The teething stage on new parents because of symptoms like gagging, drooling, night wakings, teething rash, and teething fever. Although teething can cause a slight increase in your baby’s body temperature, it's not high enough to be considered a serious fever.
As long as your baby's temperature is below 101 degrees Fahrenheit while teething, there’s probably no serious problem. But if the temperature goes higher than that and you notice other symptoms of illness, call your pediatrician right away.
When the process of teething begins, it can be quite uncomfortable for your baby. Primary teeth can start appearing in infants as early as 3 months and as late as 12–14 months. As the teeth break through the baby’s gums, they may cause some soreness and swelling just before the tooth erupts.
It’s important to educate yourself on the teething process so you know what to expect as your baby’s first teeth start to emerge. The symptoms usually appear 3–5 days before the primary teeth become visible.
Here are some common teething signs you should expect to see:
- Increased biting
- Loss of appetite
- Increased drooling
- Teething rash
- Increased sucking
- Ear pulling
- Difficulties sleeping
- Irritability
- Teething fever
Keep in mind that teething isn’t a competition; your baby’s teeth will start growing in their own time. So if you don’t see the signs as soon as you expected, don’t be worried.