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    Flo on diversity & inclusion

    Updated 29 June 2022 |
    Published 15 June 2022

    Flo is on a mission to build a better future for female health. An area of healthcare that has been underlooked and underserved. But we also want to build a better and more inclusive future for all people who menstruate.

    Flo has millions of users all over the world and we always aim to celebrate our diverse community. Every body is unique and what’s “normal” for one person may not be for the next. We strive to recognize the ways in which a person’s lived experience, identity, and lifestyle influences their health, and at Flo we work to treat all experiences with care and compassion.

    We know that not all people who menstruate are women, and not all women menstruate. At Flo, we’re proud to help everyone navigate through this part of life more easily and with confidence. Where space allows, we will say 'people who menstruate' to acknowledge the reality and experiences of people with a diverse range of gender identities, and ‘women’ where research is only based on those who identify as female.

    To reflect our global community of users, we take an intersectional approach to inclusion, continuously improving representation and diversity in our content. We welcome people from all backgrounds, and continue to work to become accessible in as many languages as possible.

    This is part of our ongoing commitment to make Flo a welcoming and inclusive space. Our conversations around inclusivity will never stop. We will continue to evolve as we continue to learn from you and your experiences. Thank you for coming on this journey with us.

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    History of updates

    Current version (29 June 2022)

    Published (15 June 2022)

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