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    Flo Postpartum Mode: Helping Adjust to Life After Pregnancy

    Published 29 November 2018
    Within Flo, you can keep a daily log of your postpartum fitness, behavior and feelings. Based on the input information, you'll receive advice on how to feel better, how to take care of the baby, and read the articles that will delve deeper into this area.

    What is Flo’s Postpartum Mode?

    Flo is ready to provide you with comprehensive informational support right after delivery. To that end, switch to the postpartum mode as soon as possible after achieving the desired goal.

    Together, we will walk through the first month of the baby’s life, a period when you have so many questions and worries.
    You will learn how to recover from childbirth, take proper care of the little one, and understand your baby better.

    We will go into detail on breastfeeding. Then, we will focus on the most relevant issues of child health and development up to six months of age.

    What can I learn in Flo’s Postpartum Mode?

    Flo has prepared several articles that can be useful for you right after delivery. This is why we suggest that you switch to the postpartum mode as soon as you give birth to the baby. It is common knowledge that the first month is the hardest. The mother recovers from childbirth, gets to know her baby, and learns to understand the little one, take care of them, and establish a daily routine. For this reason, we have paid special attention to this period. You will learn:

    • About the first 24 hours after a vaginal birth and a caesarean section (dos and don’ts)
    • How to get breastfeeding going: how the milk starts coming in, how to latch the baby onto the breast, how to figure out whether your baby is getting enough milk
    • How the baby’s senses work, how to react to crying, how to take proper care of the little one, etc.
    • Postpartum complications you may face, how and why your body has changed, how to take care of yourself, alleviate your condition, and return back to normal faster.

    Then, we will focus on the most relevant issues of child health and care up to six months of age.

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    History of updates

    Current version (29 November 2018)

    Published (29 November 2018)

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