Why burping a baby is important
A burp is essentially the discharge of air or gas through the esophagus and mouth.
Despite the benefits of breastfeeding, a certain amount of gas is bound to get trapped in your newborn’s tiny stomach in the process. The natural breaking down of particles which occurs during digestion forms gas bubbles. (Dairy intolerance has been known to have a similar effect.) Burping a baby is therefore necessary for releasing these bubbles which cause them to squirm and fuss after a big meal.
To reduce the likelihood of pain and discomfort for your child, experts recommend burping a baby before they’ve gotten cranky. In fact, it should become an integral part of your daily feeding routine.
Note that your little one’s burp could occasionally bring up some stomach contents. That’s why it’s always a good idea to use baby burping cloths while burping a baby.