From feeling warmer to varicose veins, here’s the lowdown on being 29 weeks pregnant.
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29 weeks pregnant: Your guide to this week of your third trimester

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At 29 weeks pregnant, you’re a couple of weeks into your third trimester — the last part of your pregnancy. This can be a pretty exciting but daunting time. You may have started to look into birthing classes and newborn shopping lists to prepare yourself for your baby’s arrival. As you start to gather some of the essentials both you and your baby will need, it can make it feel incredibly real that they’ll be in the world in a few months.
As you’ve checked off the weeks of your pregnancy, you’ve likely seen your body change monumentally. During your third trimester, your bump will continue to get bigger, and by 29 weeks, your baby’s movements may feel like very clear jabs and kicks. Over the next few weeks, these sensations may change as they grow. You may feel them roll or swish as there’s less space for them in your uterus. However, you should feel them just as often as before.
To find out more about what you might expect at 29 weeks pregnant, a Flo expert shares all.
Your baby at 29 weeks pregnant
Baby is stretching and moving
You may have already noticed that as your baby grows and your pregnancy progresses, their movements may feel a little different. While their first movements (typically felt between 16 and 24 weeks) might have felt like bubbles popping or a flutter, at 29 weeks, your baby can kick, stretch, and make grasping movements.
You can monitor your baby’s moving and stretching by doing a daily kick count. Sounds a bit like a new fitness trend, right? You can take your baby’s kick count by finding a comfortable position and resting your hands on your bump. Start a timer, and count how many times your baby moves in one hour. In general, around 10 movements in one to two hours is considered typical fetal movement. It’s useful to take your baby’s kick count during your third trimester so you can get used to what’s typical for you and your baby. And remember, no two babies are the same. While some move around a lot in the uterus, others reserve their movements for a certain time of day, and some are triggered to move by things like sweet drinks or having a small snack.
It can be tough to know what’s considered typical. If you’re concerned about your baby’s movements, don’t hesitate to reach out to your health care provider.
Baby is losing their protective coating
You may remember that your baby develops a protective coating while they’re developing in the uterus called the vernix caseosa. It’s primarily made up of water and proteins and protects your baby from the amniotic fluid, helps to regulate their temperature, and can even help your baby pass through the birth canal during labor by decreasing friction.
While some babies keep their vernix caseosa until just before birth, and some babies are even born with it still covering their body, others lose the protective coating earlier while they’re still in the uterus. At 29 weeks, your baby’s vernix caseosa may start to disappear very slowly.
How big is a baby at 29 weeks?
Length (crown to heel): 39.3 cm or 15.5 in.
Weight: 1.4 kg or 3 lbs.
Size: Equivalent to a pomelo
All measurements are approximate and vary within the normal range.

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Your body at 29 weeks pregnant
At 29 weeks pregnant, you may be under the assumption that you’ve experienced all the surprising changes and symptoms that you thought you might. It can feel nice to be familiar with what’s typical for you during a time of so much change. However, your third trimester may throw up some new symptoms and changes you didn’t expect. Here are a couple of changes you might want to keep an eye out for at 29 weeks and beyond.
You may feel warmer in your third trimester
You might have accounted for the fact that you may feel nauseous or fatigued during your pregnancy, but did you know many people also feel warmer during this time? While you might not be pregnant during a heatwave, it might feel like there’s one going on inside your body at times. Luckily, it’s easily explained. Due to fluctuations in your hormones, your core temperature rises during pregnancy. Additionally, your baby radiates body heat from inside your uterus, which can leave you feeling hotter too.
While feeling hotter when you’re expecting isn’t something to worry about, it can be uncomfortable. You can:
- Wear loose clothing and light materials.
- Invest in a good fan, and don’t hesitate to use the air conditioning if you have it.
- Take plenty of showers to cool down your body.
- Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water.
You may develop varicose veins
Varicose veins are swollen veins that typically appear on the legs. They’re common in nonpregnant people as well and are not a cause for concern. In pregnancy, they happen because your blood volume increases, and as your uterus grows, it puts pressure on your pelvic veins. Sometimes, they can show up in your rectum as well (hemorrhoids) and on your vulva. Most of the time, varicose veins go away on their own within a few months after giving birth.
They may not be harmful, but varicose veins can be uncomfortable. If you’ve developed some, you can:
- Raise your legs higher than your body when you’re sitting or lying down for long periods of time. (You can do this with pillows.)
- Don’t stand for too long or sit with your legs crossed for extended periods of time.
- Speak to your doctor about wearing compression stockings.
Your questions answered
Is 29 weeks considered 8 months pregnant?
Your doctor will generally talk to you about your pregnancy in terms of weeks. This is because it’s easier to monitor growth and milestones this way. However, you might still be curious if 29 weeks is considered to be eight months pregnant. That’s not exactly the case. You’re in your seventh month of pregnancy.
What position is my baby in at 29 weeks?
At 29 weeks, you may be curious about what your baby is doing in your uterus. Dr. Marta Perez, obstetrician and gynecologist, assistant professor, Washington University School of Medicine, Missouri, US, explains, “They can be in any position at 29 weeks. There is still plenty of room for them to move around, so the position they are in at 29 weeks may not be the position they are in closer to the time of birth.”
What should I avoid at 29 weeks pregnant?
You’ll likely have gotten some great tips and guidelines from your doctor and loved ones throughout your pregnancy. Sometimes knowing what you shouldn’t do is as useful as knowing what you should. “The pregnancy health recommendations don’t really change at 29 weeks, but you may gradually feel some of the discomforts of pregnancy increase as you head into the third trimester,” says Dr. Perez. “If any symptoms are concerning, contact your health care provider.”
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29 weeks pregnant checklist
Eat leafy greens
Getting informed on vitamins, minerals, and nutrients during pregnancy can be a great way to ensure that you’re giving your body and your baby the fuel they need as they grow and change. You can speak to your doctor about ways you can switch up your diet to ensure you’re getting everything you need. During this vital time of development, you may want to keep an eye on your calcium intake. Calcium is crucial in helping your baby create strong bones and teeth. It also helps you maintain your own.
You might have heard about all the great benefits of calcium but not be totally sure where to get it from. Luckily, you might already have a pretty calcium-rich diet if you eat lots of dark and leafy greens (such as broccoli, kale, and chard), seeds, and legumes, which are also great sources of calcium. Another added benefit of leafy greens is they’re packed with fiber that can help counteract bothersome pregnancy constipation.
Learn about third-trimester prenatal checkups
You’ll likely feel like a regular at your doctor’s office by your third trimester, and as your pregnancy progresses, your appointments may become more frequent. How often you see your doctor depends on your provider and where you live. In some cases, you may have a prenatal appointment every four weeks up until 28 weeks pregnant (the start of your third trimester). After that, you might have a checkup once every two weeks up until 36 weeks. During your last few weeks of pregnancy, you may move to one appointment per week and be in much more regular contact with your doctor. This schedule won’t be the same for everyone, and your doctor will do different tests and examinations in different appointments.
However, learning about the different prenatal checkups to expect during your third trimester can help you feel more in control as you enter your last few months of pregnancy and may help you organize your work schedule.
Speak to your employer about maternity leave
If you work, you may have already started thinking about maternity leave. Maternity leave policies around the world differ depending on where you live. In some places, the earliest you can start your maternity leave is around 29 weeks (11 weeks before your due date).
Whether your finger is hovering over your out-of-office email or not, now is a good time to finalize your maternity leave plans and think about child care and recovery time after birth.
Think about any baby essentials
Along with planning your baby shower and speaking to your job about maternity leave, 29 weeks may be a good time to start putting a checklist together for the things you might like to buy for your baby (and yourself).
A world of research can go into preparing for your baby’s arrival, but fear not if you aren’t sure where to start. An app like Flo may be able to help you figure out what you might like to bring with you during birth. If you’re attending birthing classes, your peers may be able to share their knowledge on the best tried and tested products. And remember: some of these items also need assembly, so enlist the help of friends and family to get your home ready for the baby.
Come to grips with pelvic floor exercises
Whether you’re a seasoned pro at pelvic floor exercises or aren’t totally sure what they are, 29 weeks pregnant may be a good time to learn. Your pelvic floor muscles sit at the bottom of your pelvis, and you may be able to feel them squeezing if you stop the flow of pee when you’re using the toilet.
Some people experience incontinence after birth. This can be uncomfortable but may be improved by doing pelvic floor exercises. You can exercise your pelvic floor wherever you are — from your desk at work to the bus and at home on the sofa. All you need to do is relax and then squeeze as if you were stopping the flow of pee for a few seconds. You may feel tightening around your vaginal area. You don’t need to hold your breath or squeeze your stomach muscles or bum at the same time. Do this 10 to 15 times every day.
When to consult a doctor at 29 weeks pregnant
You don’t need to wait until your appointment if you have any concerns or questions about your pregnancy. However, at 29 weeks pregnant, you should contact your doctor immediately if you experience:
- Severe cramping
- Vaginal bleeding
- Changes in vaginal discharge
- Fever
- Dizziness or fainting
- Severe vomiting
- Severe headaches or blurry vision
- Intense heartburn
- A decrease in the amount you feel your baby move
- A loss of liquid from your vagina or watery/mucus-like discharge (This could be a sign of premature labor.)
This isn’t an exhaustive list but some examples of the changes you should look out for. Some of these can be a sign of health complications, so it’s essential that you speak to your doctor about the best next step for you. And if you’re worried about any other symptoms you experience during pregnancy, don’t hesitate to reach out to your health care provider.
29 weeks pregnant: The takeaway
At 29 weeks, you’re in your third trimester and maybe getting used to the fact that your baby’s due date is a few months away. It might feel like a good time to start working on some of the logistics of your baby’s arrival. If your prenatal appointment schedule is changing, then it can be good to pencil those in and understand what milestones your doctor is looking out for. Your third trimester can be filled with a lot of fun conversations and planning, but it can also be a bit overwhelming, so take it at your own pace and do what feels right for you.
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“You and Your Baby at 29 Weeks Pregnant.” NHS, Accessed 12 July 2023.
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History of updates
Current version (11 August 2023)
Published (24 February 2019)
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