The cervix is typically around 3–5 centimeters long and gradually shortens during pregnancy. However, sometimes the cervix is shorter than average, which may cause issues during pregnancy.
What does a “short cervix” mean?
The cervix has an internal and an external opening (also called the internal os and external os). The internal os opens into the uterus, and the external os opens into the vagina. During pregnancy, the cervical ossa close to keep the fetus in the uterus and then open when it’s time for delivery.
Over the course of a pregnancy, the cervix shortens and becomes softer to make delivery possible. Some people naturally have a shorter cervix. As their cervix shortens throughout their pregnancy, it may become too short too soon, which increases the risk of preterm labor and premature birth. A short cervix is less than 25 millimeters in length at 18–24 weeks’ gestation. Health care providers measure the length of the cervix with an ultrasound scan.