From symptoms to baby developments, here’s the lowdown on being 10 weeks pregnant.
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10 weeks pregnant: Your guide to this week of your first trimester

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What can you expect at 10 weeks pregnant? If your symptoms are leaving you feeling like you’re on a roller coaster, you have your ever-changing pregnancy hormones to thank for that. One of these is the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone, which your body only produces during pregnancy. Levels will tend to peak around now, which can leave you feeling pretty rough.
But luckily, there are lots of positives to embrace this week and in the rest of your third month of pregnancy, too. Let’s find out what else is going on with you and your 10-week-old baby with some advice from a Flo expert.
Your baby at 10 weeks pregnant
Forming bones
By now, your baby’s bone development is in full swing. Their bone cells have replaced softer cartilage, and the bones will continue to harden even more at around 13 weeks. Around now, your baby’s face also begins to look more like, well, a face. This is because their jawbone is developing more (fun fact: it’s already home to their teeny baby teeth, and their adult teeth will develop at around 20 weeks). So cool.
Gaining movement
Your baby is also moving around more this week. They’re making jerky little movements that you’ll be able to see on an ultrasound scan. However, while it’s exciting to see your baby move on the screen, keep in mind that they’re not big enough for you to feel those movements just yet. You’ll have to wait until about 16 to 24 weeks before you first feel these.
How big is a baby at 10 weeks?
Length (crown to rump): Around 3.2 cm or 1.3 in.
Weight: Around 35 g or 1.2 oz.
Size: Equivalent to a strawberry
All measurements are approximate and vary within the normal range.

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Your body at 10 weeks pregnant
More visible veins
Have you noticed any spidery veins on your breasts? How about any varicose veins on your legs? These are most likely due to your 10-week pregnancy — but why?
“You have a ton more blood flowing through your body right now,” explains Dr. Jenna Flanagan, obstetrician and gynecologist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Massachusetts, US. In fact, research has found that your blood volume rises significantly in your first few weeks of pregnancy, increasing by around 45% over the course of your pregnancy. But while your body’s got more blood to deal with, the number of veins you have stays the same, meaning there’s extra strain being placed on them.
You might also notice more visible veins around your vulva, adds Dr. Flanagan. This is nothing to worry about. “This is because of the increased blood flow to your vagina, cervix, uterus, and pelvis in general,” she explains.
If you feel like your skin has dialed back the clock to the pimples of your teen years, then take heart. If you’re getting pregnancy acne right now, it may improve as the weeks go on (although it’s also a common pregnancy symptom during the third trimester). “Some people notice their skin gets worse in these early weeks of pregnancy. Maybe you’ve never had acne before and now you do, or maybe you already had acne, and now it’s worse,” says Dr. Flanagan.
But what causes it? Acne during pregnancy is most likely due to a change in your levels of hormones. “This can cause your body to produce more sebum (oil), which can result in acne,” explains Dr. Flanagan. If your acne is causing you distress, speak to your doctor for their advice, as they may be able to offer you some medication to help.
Your questions answered
Will I have a 10-weeks-pregnant belly?
Hold tight — it’s probably still a little too early to have a pregnancy bump at this stage. Your bump will likely start to show at around 12 weeks pregnant as your uterus grows to make extra space for your growing baby. So now could be the time to invest in some comfortable maternity leggings or pants before you start struggling to zip up your trusted favorite jeans. That being said, everyone is different! If it’s not your first time being pregnant, then you may start showing a little sooner than you did the first time around.
When should you be worried about vaginal discharge in pregnancy?
Have you noticed a change in your vaginal discharge since you found out you were pregnant? As it turns out, that’s totally normal. “You’re going to have an increase in vaginal discharge, especially as your pregnancy progresses. It’s normal, and it helps to stop infections traveling from your vagina to your uterus,” explains Dr. Flanagan. “But if your discharge has blood in it, that’s a reason to get in touch with your doctor or health care provider immediately.”
Dr. Flanagan points out that you should watch out for common conditions that cause vaginal discharge both during and after pregnancy. “Bacterial vaginosis is one example. You get a watery, grayish discharge with a strong odor. Yeast infections are also common in pregnancy — this is when you get a cottage cheese-type discharge with irritation and itching,” she explains. These conditions can be uncomfortable, but they’re generally nothing serious to worry about. However, bacterial vaginosis can sometimes cause complications such as low birth weight or premature birth, so it’s always best to speak to your doctor if you do notice a change in your discharge. “You definitely want to get them diagnosed, and they’re safe to treat during pregnancy,” Dr. Flanagan adds.
What should you avoid at 10 weeks pregnant?
This is a good time to take steps toward a happy, healthy pregnancy. That includes:
- Eating well. Following a healthy pregnancy diet is important for your growing baby (and your own health, too!). That includes eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, getting some much-needed energy from starchy foods (such as bread, pasta, rice), and more. But if you’re still quite nauseous and can’t stand the thought of vegetables, then don’t worry — you’ll have plenty of time later on in your pregnancy to eat a more balanced diet.
- Staying active. It’s hard to motivate yourself to work out when you’re feeling rough with pregnancy symptoms, right? But getting your exercise during pregnancy keeps you and your baby healthy — even a brisk walk has benefits such as keeping your heart and lungs healthy.
- Not smoking. The best time to quit is before you’re pregnant, but even at 10 weeks, it’s never too late to stop smoking for your own and your baby’s health.
- Avoiding alcohol. There’s no known safe amount of alcohol to drink during pregnancy, so it’s best to steer clear of it completely.
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Your 10 weeks pregnant checklist
Consume vitamin D
It’s a good idea to make sure you consume enough vitamin D if you’re not already. Research suggests that it’s common to have vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy, especially if you’re high-risk. That includes if you’re vegetarian, if you don’t get a whole lot of sun exposure (for example, if you live in the northern hemisphere, where you may not get enough vitamin D from sunlight), or if you have darker skin.
In pregnancy, vitamin D deficiency is associated with problems such as preeclampsia. With this in mind, it’s advisable to stock up your fridge and pantry with foods rich in vitamin D, such as oily fish, red meat, and egg yolks. It can also be a good idea to make sure your levels are sufficient with a supplement, and it’s recommended that pregnant women take 15 micrograms per day (that’s 600 international units). Just remember to always speak to your doctor before taking any new supplements or medications.
When to see your doctor at 10 weeks pregnant
Between 10 and 13 weeks of your pregnancy, you have the option of having a first-trimester screening. Recommendations for genetic screening and the types offered will differ depending on where you live, and they’ll be based on your family and personal history. But generally speaking, this screening usually involves blood tests and/or an ultrasound scan which can give you information about whether your baby may have certain genetic disorders.
“The ultrasound is called a nuchal translucency screening, where the thickness of the skin fold on the back of your baby’s neck is measured,” explains Dr. Flanangan. “If the fold has an increased thickness, this suggests a risk for chromosome issues such as Down syndrome, Edwards’ syndrome, or Patau syndrome. It also suggests anatomy problems like heart problems.” The nuchal translucency screening can also check for conditions related to the development of the spine, spinal cord, and brain.
Depending on your family history, ethnicity, and, most importantly, your feelings around knowing about certain conditions, your prenatal provider may also suggest carrier screening. This determines whether you’re a carrier for conditions that can be passed on to the baby, such as sickle cell disease and thalassemia (both inherited blood disorders) or cystic fibrosis and spinal muscular atrophy. The earlier you have the screening, the more time you have to work out your options if your baby is at risk of inheriting either of these conditions.
Your thoughts around screening are unique to you, and it can be helpful to discuss this further with your prenatal provider or even meet with a genetic counselor to determine what is right for you. If you were to screen positive for a condition, remember that your doctor will be able to discuss your options with you and run any further tests that might be necessary. This can be a very difficult time, so reach out for as much support as you need from your loved ones, friends, and family.
Plus, don’t forget that you don’t need to wait until your appointments if you have any concerns or questions about your pregnancy. However, at 10 weeks pregnant you should contact your doctor immediately if you experience:
- Severe cramping
- Vaginal bleeding
- Changes in vaginal discharge
- Fever
- Dizziness and fainting
- Severe vomiting
This isn’t an exhaustive list and just an example of some of the changes you should look out for. Some of these can be a sign of miscarriage or other health complications, so it’s essential that you speak to your doctor about the best next step for you. And if you’re ever worried about any other symptoms you experience during pregnancy, then don’t hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider.
10 weeks pregnant: The takeaway
At 10 weeks pregnant, your hormone levels are changing, and your hCG levels are reaching their peak, which can make any pregnancy symptoms you’ve been experiencing feel even more intense. This can be uncomfortable, so be sure to rest up and take all the time you need to adjust. And remember that things should soon start to improve!
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History of updates
Current version (24 August 2023)
Published (24 February 2019)
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