When you’re trying for a baby, waiting to take a pregnancy test can feel never-ending. But it’s important to give your body time to produce enough of the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), because this is what at-home pregnancy tests look for in your urine. Test too soon, and you might get the wrong result.
If you’re currently 16 days past ovulation (DPO), and your period hasn’t started yet, you might have mixed feelings. Missing a period is one potential sign that you might be pregnant, but the only way to know for sure is by taking a test. And depending on your cycle length, 16 DPO may still be a little bit too early.
So here’s the lowdown on 16 DPO, from the symptoms you might be feeling to how to boost your chances of an accurate pregnancy test result.
Key takeaways
- Most experts recommend waiting until at least the first day of your missed period before you take a pregnancy test. This can look slightly different for everyone, as your cycle length is personal to you. You may be able to take a pregnancy test from around 14 DPO.
- Your body starts to release the pregnancy hormone hCG after your fertilized egg implants into the lining of your uterus. While your hCG levels start low, they rapidly rise, and by 16 DPO, yours may be high enough to detect with a test.
- Experts recommend waiting to take a test until you’ve missed your period, because if you test too early, you run the risk of getting a false negative.