From feeling your baby kick to round ligament pain, here’s the lowdown on being 19 weeks pregnant.
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19 weeks pregnant: Your guide to this week of your second trimester

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At 19 weeks pregnant, you’re in your second trimester and fast approaching the potential halfway point (as pregnancy is considered to be full-term if your baby is born between 39 weeks and 40 weeks and 6 days.) While the timing of your first ultrasound scan can depend on the country you live in and your health care provider (some people have one as early as 8 weeks), you’ll have had your first by now. You may have started telling loved ones you’re expecting and might be starting to feel your bump. This can be a really exciting but nerve-racking time. There’s a lot going on, after all.
Big changes are happening in your body during your second trimester as your baby continues to develop. You may have already dealt with your pregnancy symptoms, but it’s crucial to remember that no 2 pregnancies are the same. What may have been typical for you will be so different for someone else.
So, to help you understand what’s happening with your baby and body at 19 weeks pregnant, a Flo expert gives you the lowdown.
Your baby at 19 weeks pregnant
Developing the vernix caseosa
At 19 weeks pregnant, your baby will be developing something called the vernix caseosa. If you’ve never heard of this, don’t worry; you’re not the only one. This is a white, sticky substance primarily made up of water and proteins, that covers your baby’s skin to give them protection in the amniotic fluid. Think of it as a special protective layer.
As well as acting as a barrier between your baby and the amniotic fluid, the vernix caseosa regulates their temperature and defends them against harmful microbes. It even aids in the delivery process by decreasing friction as your baby passes through the birth canal. Pretty amazing, right?
Developing adult teeth
While teething might feel like a world away, your baby starts to develop their teeth while they’re still in the uterus. Their teeth buds will have formed during the first trimester — this is the tissue around their gums that their baby teeth will push through. By 19 weeks pregnant, their adult teeth will start growing and will line up behind their first set of teeth.
How big is a baby at 19 weeks?
Length (crown to heel): 24 cm or 9.5 in.
Weight: 273 g or 9.6 oz.
Size: Equivalent to a mango
All measurements are approximate and vary within the normal range.

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Your body at 19 weeks pregnant
At 19 weeks pregnant, you’ll likely have noticed a lot of changes in your body and mood since you did your first positive pregnancy test. You might have noticed your bump growing. Many people report feeling theirs for the first time between 12 and 16 weeks.
It’s hard to talk about what’s normal and typical in pregnancy because no 2 experiences are the same. You might have logged entirely different symptoms from your friends. To learn about the different second-trimester pregnancy symptoms that you might encounter, you can download an app like Flo. And there are a couple of body changes that you can keep an eye out for around week 19 of pregnancy.
Round ligament pain as your uterus grows
Just like people experience different symptoms during pregnancy, bumps can come in lots of shapes and sizes. Yours might have well and truly “popped” at 19 weeks pregnant, or you might be rocking a little bump.
Your pregnant belly will continue to expand with your baby, as your uterus grows to give the baby space. By around 5 months pregnant, your uterus may be at the height of your belly button. As your uterus stretches to accommodate your growing baby, it can cause growing pains in your bump — sometimes referred to as round ligament pain.
You might not have heard of your round ligaments before, but they have an important role to play. They can be found on either side of your uterus and they work to suspend it in your pelvis. As your uterus stretches throughout your pregnancy, your round ligaments also stretch to make room for your baby. It can feel like an aching, cramping sensation, or even a sharp, stabbing feeling and it can worsen if you make a sudden movement — such as sneezing, coughing, or laughing.
Wearing an elastic belly band can help to ease this pain, and doing things like gently stretching your hips (through pregnancy yoga) and slowly changing positions can help to avoid it. Noticing cramping or spasms in your belly during pregnancy can be alarming, but round ligament pain is incredibly common. But it isn’t the only thing that can cause cramping during pregnancy, so if you’re worried about pain or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to your doctor.
Your linea nigra might appear
The size of your bump may not be the only physical change you’ve noticed during your second trimester. Around 19 weeks pregnant, some people report that their linea nigra becomes visible. Bear with us here. Your linea nigra (or pregnancy line) is a dark line that can run vertically from your belly button (or higher up on your abdomen) to your bikini line.
While you might not have expected this change, it’s estimated that around 80% of people will have a linea nigra, and it’ll be more visible on you if you have a darker skin tone. This is because you have more pigmentation in your skin if you have a darker complexion. While the definitive purpose of the linea nigra isn’t known, it appears on your bump naturally during pregnancy due to elevated hormone levels.
Your questions answered
Can you feel kicks at 19 weeks?
Often compared to having butterflies or bubbles in your tummy, the feeling of your baby’s first movements is sometimes called quickening. This can be a special moment, as feeling your baby move can deepen the connection and bond you feel with them during pregnancy.
Many people report feeling their baby move at around 16 to 24 weeks of pregnancy, so you might feel your baby kick at 19 weeks. And is there anything that affects when you might feel your baby move for the first time? “I’d say it depends on whether it’s their first pregnancy or not,” says Dr. Amanda Kallen, associate professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology, Yale University School of Medicine, Connecticut, US. “Someone who’s on a second or third pregnancy is more attuned to what that feels like and might notice it sooner. The baby’s position and the position of the placenta also contribute.”
If your placenta is growing at the front of your uterus (this is called an anterior placenta) near your abdominal area, then your baby’s movements may feel softer as the placenta is sitting between your baby and your belly.
As pregnancy progresses, most people find that their baby’s kicks feel stronger. However, it’s still early, so if you don’t think you’ve felt your baby move yet, try not to worry. This is much easier said than done, so if you’re concerned about your baby, don’t be afraid to contact your doctor.
What is my baby doing in the uterus at 19 weeks?
At 19 weeks pregnant, you may be in a pattern of logging the symptoms that are typical for you and thinking about the things you’d like to buy the baby. Your baby is pretty busy changing and developing in your uterus, too. At this point in your pregnancy, your baby is getting bigger and putting on weight. They don’t have a lot of fat right now and may look a little wrinkled. They will continue to “fill out” until they’re born. Similarly, throughout the second trimester, their finer facial features will continue to form.
Are 19 weeks considered 5 months pregnant?
You might have heard your doctor talk about your pregnancy in terms of weeks or months. At 19 weeks pregnant, you are indeed in your fifth month of pregnancy.
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19 weeks pregnant checklist
Get phosphorus
Your baby is busy growing their adult teeth at 19 weeks, so it’s important that they have the right minerals to help them along. One of these is phosphorus, which is a key mineral in your body, and 85% of it is found in your bones and teeth. It’s vital that both you and your baby get enough to maintain strong skeletons.
It’s also a key player in helping other bodily functions, such as muscle movement and kidney and nerve function, as well as tissue and cell repair. Pregnant people are advised to get at least 700 mg of phosphorus per day if they’re 19 and over, and it can be found in foods such as salmon, milk, lentils, peanuts, eggs, and whole wheat bread.
Another important supplement to look out for is vitamin D, which also keeps bones and muscles healthy and is needed to absorb phosphorus well. You might get enough vitamin D from the sun and your diet (this is especially true during the warmer months if you live in a sunny place). However, if you get less sunlight or don’t think you’re getting enough in your diet, then you can speak to your doctor about taking a daily vitamin D tablet.
Improve your sleep
Adapting to your pregnancy symptoms and a growing bump can be a learning curve, especially when it comes to finding comfortable positions to sleep in. Dr. Kallen goes as far as describing it as “a challenge at this point!” However, that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to get a good amount of shut-eye. She suggests “trying to find comfortable positions for sleep that might involve a different sleep pillow or a different position than you’re used to.”
Pillows can be a great way to support your bump, and sleeping with one between your knees may help to ease any pelvic pain you have. Another useful suggestion may be to review your bedtime routine and improve your sleep hygiene. You might not have heard the term sleep hygiene before, but it simply describes habits you can create to hopefully have a better night’s sleep. You may want to monitor the temperature of your room and how bright it is. Practicing meditation techniques before bed may also help to clear your mind and send you to the land of nod.
Keep moving
Another way to improve sleep is to keep moving! It’s a myth that people should avoid exercise while pregnant, and it’s recommended that you stay active while expecting your baby. “Trying to stay active and maintain cardiovascular activity as much as possible will often help you rest better at night and make you feel better in general,” advises Dr. Kallen. Exercise may also help to reduce any back pain you have, and it may decrease your risk of developing gestational diabetes, promote healthy weight gain during pregnancy, and improve your overall health.
However, some exercises, such as running, could become uncomfortable due to the hormone relaxin loosening up your ligaments — leaving your back, knees, and ankles without their usual support. You may prefer to take a brisk walk or try swimming or yoga. If you decide to participate in a fitness class at your local gym or studio, always be sure to let the instructor know that you’re pregnant so they can make any exercise adaptations to suit your needs. It’s a good idea to check in with your doctor before starting any new exercise programs to be on the safe side.
Get to know the symptoms of preeclampsia
Now might be a good time to learn about the symptoms of a condition called preeclampsia. Preeclampsia can cause health problems for you and your baby, and the signs include high blood pressure (hypertension) and protein in your urine (proteinuria). While it’s unlikely you will notice these, your physician should pick them up during your routine appointments.
Other things to look out for are severe headaches; vision problems, such as blurring or seeing flashing lights; pain just below the ribs; vomiting; and sudden swelling of the feet, ankles, face, and hands. As with anything in pregnancy, if you feel like something isn’t right, seek expert advice from your health care professional.
Exercise your pelvic floor
As your baby grows, it presses down on your pelvic floor — the muscles which surround and support all the organs in your pelvis, including your uterus, bowels, and bladder. These muscles loosen when you’re expecting and can cause you to leak pee when you cough, laugh, sneeze, or exercise.
Keeping these muscles strong can help during labor and recovery after birth. However, don’t worry — you don’t need a gym membership for this type of workout. Gentle pelvic floor exercises can be found online and can be done anywhere: while you’re on the phone, waiting for a bus, or at work.
Look into childbirth education classes
Even if this isn’t your first child, preparing for your baby’s arrival can be exciting but also a little challenging. Childbirth education classes are a great way to combat any anxieties, while helping you to build confidence in your body’s ability to give birth and learn useful tools such as breathing techniques to help you when the big day comes. These groups are also a great way to meet other parents-to-be who live near you. While you won’t typically start classes for another few weeks, it’s a good idea to ask your doctor or just browse the internet to find one that suits your needs.
When to consult a doctor at 19 weeks pregnant
How often you see your doctor while you’re pregnant can depend on where you live. You may have a prenatal appointment every 4 weeks up until 28 weeks pregnant. Once you’ve entered your third trimester through to 36 weeks pregnant, this may move to one checkup every 2 weeks. And when you enter the last month of pregnancy, this may change to 1 appointment per week. This isn’t set in stone, so speak to your doctor about when you can book routine checkups. During these appointments, your doctor may check your blood pressure, do a urine test, measure your bump, and weigh you.
However, you don’t need to wait until your appointments if you have any concerns or questions about your pregnancy. You should contact your doctor immediately if you experience vaginal bleeding, severe abdominal pain, fever, or signs of infection. Some of these can be signs of miscarriage, so it’s essential that you speak to your doctor about the best next step.
19 weeks pregnant: The takeaway
You’re around the halfway mark of your pregnancy, and there are lots of big changes happening for you and your little one. You’ll likely notice your bump getting bigger and you might start feeling a small fluttering sensation as your baby moves.
Your baby is currently covered in the vernix caseosa, which will help to protect them inside the uterus and aid in delivery. They’re also growing their adult teeth, so taking your minerals, such as phosphorus, can aid them in these amazing developments.
Gentle exercise and sleeping with a pillow between your legs may alleviate any pelvic pain you have which is stopping you from sleeping. If you’re considering exercise classes focused on pregnancy or childbirth classes, you might want to start researching them now. While you won’t start to attend them for a few weeks, it can be a good idea to discover the types you’d like to try. You may also want to start looking at hospitals and delivery units, pediatricians, and support groups in your area.
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“Preeclampsia.” Cleveland Clinic, Accessed 2 June 2023.
“How to Look after Your Pelvic Floor.” NHS, Accessed 2 June 2023.
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History of updates
Current version (21 July 2023)
Published (24 February 2019)
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