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    BFP Meaning: What Does It Stand For?

    Updated 25 November 2021 |
    Published 19 February 2019
    Fact Checked
    Reviewed by Kate Shkodzik, MD, Obstetrician and gynecologist
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    What does BFP mean? If you haven’t heard of the term, you’re not the only one.

    What is BFP?

    DPO, CD, H9 and now BFP — all of these are common initialisms in the world of fertility forums. The term BFP is an abbreviation of Big Fat Positive, as in a positive pregnancy test result. 

    The abbreviation was conceived in online fertility/infertility forums, but you may also see it on various women’s websites and blogs. It’s used to indicate you’re happy about your test result and looking forward to having a baby. The BFP meaning is never negative, as many of the women who use the term have been trying for months, or sometimes years, to get pregnant. 

    In contrast, BFN is an abbreviation for Big Fat Negative, an indication that the test-taker is not pregnant. 

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    What does a BFP pregnancy test look like?

    BFP pregnancy tests were designed with women who want to get pregnant in mind. The online community of women who are actively trying to get pregnant is also known as the TTC community, an abbreviation for trying-to-conceive. 

    Unlike regular pregnancy tests, the BFP pregnancy test is available in form of test strips. If you want to find out whether you’re finally pregnant, you dip a test strip into a sample of collected urine, rather than holding the test in a stream of urine. In addition to the convenience of not having to try to pee directly onto a pregnancy test, there are lots of reasons why many people prefer BFP tests to traditional, or “midstream” pregnancy tests. Advantages of BFP test strips include:

    • Low cost: While regular “pee-on-a-stick” tests can cost up to $20, one BFP strip can cost as little as $0.50, which makes them idea if you’re going to be testing often.
    • Easy to use: Using the strips is very straightforward. You simply need to dip the test strip into collected urine, wait a few minutes, and collect your results.
    • Early detection: You can test for pregnancy four days before you expect your period with this kind of pregnancy test.
    • Accuracy: BFP strips are more than 99% accurate

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    The BFP ovulation test: what to look for

    If you’re trying to conceive, knowing the exact dates of your ovulation can be incredibly helpful. There are BFP ovulation tests that can pinpoint your ovulation date. 

    The BFP ovulation test works by detecting the surge in Luteinizing Hormone (LH) that happens right before ovulation. Once your LH levels go up, you should ovulate within 12-36 hours. Since sperm can live inside of your body for five days, so the days prior to ovulating and the day you’re ovulating are all times when you can get pregnant from having sex. This is called your fertile window. You can track the results of your ovulation test in the Flo app for a more accurate prediction of when your fertile window will be so that you can plan your sex life accordingly.

    Like the BFP pregnancy test, the BFP ovulation test should be dipped into a sample of your collected urine. When you’re taking an ovulation test, it’s better to wait until you’ve been awake for a while and have already gone to the bathroom at least once. This will give you more accurate results than if you do the test first thing in the morning.

    Dip the strip into collected urine, take it out, and wait a few minutes for results. If the test line is as bold or bolder than the control line, it’s a BFP! If the test line is lighter than the control line, it’s a BFN. It is recommended to test around the same time every day for best results.

    BFP charts: how BBT can help you spot ovulation or pregnancy

    Charting your basal body temperature (BBT) can help you detect ovulation or pregnancy. This is an inexpensive and easy method of determining your most fertile days and conceiving faster. All you have to do is to measure rectal temperature every morning before you leave the bed and put the result in your BBT chart. Slight temperature rise means that you have had an ovulation. It rises due to high progesterone levels. The same thing happens when you get pregnant. 

    There are different ways to make BFP charts, including:

    • Filling out BFP charts found in fertility books.
    • Using an app like Flo to log your temperature.
    • Making your own chart on graph paper.

    The BFP charts can help you:

    • Discover the usual dates of your ovulation cycle.
    • Figure out the best time to have sex.
    • Detect possible fertility problems.
    • Detect early signs of pregnancy.

    Can you still get a BFP after period?

    You won’t get a BFP after your period. However, it is possible to mistake implantation bleeding for a light period. This means that what you thought was your period was actually a fertilized egg becoming implanted in your uterus.

    If you’re sexually active without using any method of contraception, you can get pregnant during your menstrual cycle, and after your period, especially if you have a naturally short follicular phase, and you ovulate early. If you’re trying to conceive, you can log your symptoms in Flo, which will help you make an accurate prediction of when you’re ovulating or help you understand any fertility problems you may be experiencing.

    History of updates

    Current version (25 November 2021)

    Reviewed by Kate Shkodzik, MD, Obstetrician and gynecologist

    Published (19 February 2019)

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