At 7 weeks pregnant, you’re well into your first trimester. At this point, you might be contending with early pregnancy symptoms such as nausea and tiredness and the different lifestyle changes recommended by your doctor.
You may also be wondering when to tell friends, family, and colleagues about your pregnancy. The short answer? There’s no right or wrong time — it’s just when you feel ready. Some people wait for their first ultrasound scan (which generally happens close to 12 weeks pregnant), while others let close friends and family know as soon as they test positive. You do what’s right for you.
As your pregnancy progresses, you might be wondering what’s going on with your body and your baby. You’re certainly not alone. To understand what to expect week by week, try a pregnancy tracking app like Flo. In the meantime, here’s what you need to know about week 7, with info from a Flo expert.